Breakfast Rolls with Berries & Cream Cheese

• 1 can of Crescent dough sheets

• 1 cup of your favorite berries

• cream cheese

roll out the dough & flatten it.

• spread cream cheese over it

• add the berries as you roll up the dough.

• slice dough into pieces, brush each piece with egg wash.

• place on baking pan and bake for 10 minutes but check to make sure they are done, or not overcooked.

• let cool & serve.

See the Pinterest Video of how to make it here: Breakfast Rolls with Berries & Cream Cheese

Looking for more Quick & Easy Dessert Ideas?

Check out my E-Book on them here: 20 Quick & Easy Desserts

Asian Spicy Chicken Wings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes


1 pound of chicken wings

1 cup green onion, chopped

1 tablespoon hot sauce (sirachi)

1/4 oyster sauce

1/4 cup soy sauce

1 cup flour

1/2 cup cornstarch

1 teaspoon salt

1 teapsoon ginger, shredded

3 garlic cloves, shredded

1 tablespoon baking powder


Make 2 cuts in each wing

In a bowl, add the wings, green onions, hot sauce, oyster & soy sauce, ginger, garlic & salt. Mix well and let sit for about 10 minutes,

In a separate bowl, combine flour, cornstarch and baking powder.

Coat wings in flour mixture then boil in oil until golden brown, about 5 minutes. turn wings over every 2 minutes or so for even cooking.

Garnish with left over green onions.

Fried Chicken, Chinese Style

This is so easy…it’s just combining the ingredients, and dipping the wings in an egg wash and deep frying.


8 chicken wings

ginger 2 teaspoons chopped

garlic 2 teaspoons chopped

green onion 2 teaspoons chopped

salt 1/2 teaspoons

ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon

soy sauce 3 teaspoons

oyster sauce 1 teaspoon

wheat flour 1 cup

cornstarch 1/2 cup

baking powder 1 teaspoon

2 eggs


In a bowl, combine the wings with green onions, salt, ginger, garlic, pepper, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce. But, make about 4 cuts with a knife in each wing first. Toss them and let them sit for 10 minutes or so.

In a separate bowl combine the flour, cornstarch and baking soda…mix it up well.

Dip each wing, one by one, into the egg wash, make sure it is thoroughly coated.

Then dip each wing into the flour mixture.

Deep fry until golden brown. Then Sprinkle with Sesame Seeds.

For more quick and easy ideas, click on this link: Chef Techniques

Shredded Beef Sandwich

I have tried, I’m still trying, to work with some tough cuts of beef. Top Round, London Broil, chuck steak. I’ve tried marinating them overnight useing everything I could think of. but when I bake them, they still tend to be pretty tough.

So I bought this top round, I marinated it, I seared it, then I baked it in the oven for 45 minutes at 350. It was still just a bit pink in the middle, but still, while edible, a bit too tough. Maybe if I had sliced it thinner it would have been better. I don’t know. but my friend who I served slices to said it was ok, and he is honest with me. A little tough, but edible.

So I wasn’t happy with this, so I put the rest of the top round in a slow cooker and cooked it all night long at low. In the morning when I took it out, it was sitting in a fair amount of juice. I just want you to know that when I placed it in the slow cooker, I added the marinade up to half way up the meat. Regarding the slow cooker, I know there are a lot out there…some that are programable …where you set the time, the temperature and so forth..which is fine if that what works for you…but I have found that the whole point of slow cooker is to cook the meat on low, for a long time, like, overnight, or longer, so I don’t really get the point of the programs.

So when I took the meat out, it was hard all around, like a crust. I tried to cut it, but it wouldn’t cut and while I was turning the meat around, trying to figure out a way to cut slices, I realized the meat was falling apart. I took a fork, and began to pull it apart then I used 2 forks and I pulled the entire piece of meat apart, just like you would do if you made a pork shoulder picnic in a slow cooker and pulled the meat apart to make pulled pork. In this case, it was pulled was very tender & moist.

I pulled all the meat apart and when I got to the crusty pieces I pulled them apart too. And suddenly I had a bowl of pulled beef….and I tasted it ….and it was good.

So I stored it in a bowl with a lid, and poured the juices on top of the meat to keep it moist. And put in it in the refrigerator.

About 2 hours later I took it out. The fat had congealed around the meat. So I scooped out a couple of good helpings, enough for 2 servings, placed them in a pan with the congealed fat from the bowl and heated them up.

Once the meat was hot and sizzling, I served it as a sandwich on a kaiser roll.

I got rave reviews for moistness, tenderness, & flavor. Bu the way I also served it with a side of horseradish.

What can I say, what I thought would turn out to be a disaster, got saved.

Now, it’s on my “to Make” menu.

Here are some more Quick & Easy ideas: Secrets of Food Combinations