Mashed Beets

Quick, easy, fast, delicious!

Wash beets, cut both ends off, cube, boil for about 15 minutes or until a fork goes easily through them, remove from stove, drain, place in food processor, churn for about 2 minutes. remove, serve.

These are delicious hot or cold. Add some garlic, salt or pepper to add to their flavor.

Their deep purple color is very dramatic when served.

See how I made them here: Mashed Beets

Pepperoni Rolls

Quick, easy & fast. There are only 3 ingredients: small sliced pieces of pepperoni, cheese, & a premade sheet of dough you can buy in the store.

just roll out the dough, sprinkle it liberally with your favorite cheese, then place the pepperoni slices in long strips.

•use a sharp knife to cut the dough into strips following the pepperoni.

•roll each strip up.

•grease a muffin pan with butter and place each roll into the pan

•brush each piece with an egg wash.

•Bake in oven at 350 for about 10 minutes

•watch them so they don’t burn.

•remove from oven, remove from pan, let cool, then slice each roll in half, horizontally.

see how I made mine here: Pepperoni Rolls

London Broil also known as Flank Steak or Top Round)

London Broil is not a cut of beef. It is a method of cooking. London Broil, Flank Steak, Top Round, whatever you call them, refers to lean meat that is generally tougher than other cuts you could buy. By the way, no one seems to know wher the term “London Broil” comes from. It seems to have nothing to do with London and this term is not even recognized in England.

The method of cooking simply refers to temderizing the meat to make it edible. The primary way to do this is through marinating. There are dozens if not more, of steak marinades and tenderizers available. You can also easily make your own. The trick is to let the meat tenderize, probably for at least 2&1/2 hours or up to 24.

And while most recipes suggest broiling it, useing a slow cooker on low for 8 hours, will probably make it come out very tender. The difference is you get a different kind of taste using each method.


You want to marinate this for at least 2 & 1/2 hours and as much as 24. The method is simple. Marinate, remove from fridge & let come up to room temperature (about half an hour). Before you marinate poke holes in the meat to let the marinade seep in. The purpose of the marinade is to tenderize the meat. Bring broiler up to 500 degrees). Broil on each side for only 5 – 7 minutes. Slice in relatively thin strips. Serve.

Another way to make this is to let it marinate, then put in a slow cooker for 8 hours on low. Add enough marinade to cover it up halfway.

Marinade: You can make a marinade out of almost anything. try one made of 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar; 1/4 cup soy sauce; some Worcester sauce; 1/4 cup olive oil; a couple of crushed up garlic cloves; some basil & some black pepper.

Here is an idea of how I made it: London Broil


Quick, easy, Fast to make.

Turnips are delcious, serve hot with melted butter

Rinse turnips. cut off ends, (I do not peel them), cut into small pieces, add to boiling water, boil until soft, drain, place in food processor, churn for about a minute or two. Don’t churn too much, turnips are very watery and will turn to mush.

Serve hot with melted butter.

Tip 1: I like to put the turnips in a strainer and strain them after I have removed them from the food processor. I squeeze as much water out of them as I can by pressing down on them with a spatula or a spoon. You get a much firmer consistency when you do this.

Tip 2; these are delicious, the have sort of an earthy flavor by themselves. But I have added garlic, onions, black pepper, salt and you can really get a unique flavor by doing this or adding other spices you like, even a dash of maple syrup.

See how I make them here: Turnips