Who doesn’t love pizza? Everyone does! The tomatoes, the pepperoni, peppers…the crunch of the crust. But did you ever consider that you could change the crust? Yes, instead of dough, which although it’s delicious, can pack on some extra calories, how about making it with chicken? You can pack on the protein and it’s really easy to make…and it’s surprisingly delicious! For an extra burst of flavor, try this Chipotle BBQ Sauce!


1 lb Chicken cut up

tomato sauce


onions sliced

blend chicken in food processor

form onto parchment paper in a circle

bake in oven for 20 minutes at 425F

Remove from oven, add sauce, cheese and onions

Bake again at 425F for at least 10 minutes or until cheese melts and sauce simmers.

See video here: https://clipchamp.com/watch/CYMZYq61Hbs