
There is a great BBQ restaurant near where I live that makes delicious pulled pork. But it came to me I could make my own so here is how I do it. I go to my local food store, it’s called Publix here in Miami, and I buy about a 10 pound pork picnic. The reason I buy 10 pounds is that it is cheaper per pound than buying smalled cuts of meat. I often buy these 10 pounds for around $10-$12 dollars, total! The one I just bought cost me $13 but that comes out to a little over $1 a pound. Hard to beat.

Yes, there are about a pound of bones, but they easily come out after you cook the pork. By the way, I save the bones and used them in other soups that I make. Then I unwrap the pork at home, wash it off. I fill a slow cooker half way up with beef stock. Then I cut up some onions and garlic and add them to the water, I also add salt and pepper. Before I place the pork in the water, I cover it with a layer of brown sugar and salt, all over the pork. Then I place it in the pot and let it cook for 8 hours, over night,

I’ve let it cook up to 12 hours as sometimes I’ll go to sleep early and when I wake up around 6am, I turn off the slow cooker and let the meat cool down a bit. It’s very hot and so it the liquid, so I give it a while to cool down, so I don’t burn myself. then I take the meat out onto a large platter or pan, it will fall apart very easily. I take out the bones and then with two forks, I just start pulling the meat apart. It takes about ten minutes or so, but you get a whole lot of delicious pulled pork I use in sandwiches and soups and anything else I can think of. Here’s a slow cooker I use below.