I have tried, I’m still trying, to work with some tough cuts of beef. Top Round, London Broil, chuck steak. I’ve tried marinating them overnight useing everything I could think of. but when I bake them, they still tend to be pretty tough.

So I bought this top round, I marinated it, I seared it, then I baked it in the oven for 45 minutes at 350. It was still just a bit pink in the middle, but still, while edible, a bit too tough. Maybe if I had sliced it thinner it would have been better. I don’t know. but my friend who I served slices to said it was ok, and he is honest with me. A little tough, but edible.

So I wasn’t happy with this, so I put the rest of the top round in a slow cooker and cooked it all night long at low. In the morning when I took it out, it was sitting in a fair amount of juice. I just want you to know that when I placed it in the slow cooker, I added the marinade up to half way up the meat. Regarding the slow cooker, I know there are a lot out there…some that are programable …where you set the time, the temperature and so forth..which is fine if that what works for you…but I have found that the whole point of slow cooker is to cook the meat on low, for a long time, like, overnight, or longer, so I don’t really get the point of the programs.

So when I took the meat out, it was hard all around, like a crust. I tried to cut it, but it wouldn’t cut and while I was turning the meat around, trying to figure out a way to cut slices, I realized the meat was falling apart. I took a fork, and began to pull it apart then I used 2 forks and I pulled the entire piece of meat apart, just like you would do if you made a pork shoulder picnic in a slow cooker and pulled the meat apart to make pulled pork. In this case, it was pulled meat..and..it was very tender & moist.

I pulled all the meat apart and when I got to the crusty pieces I pulled them apart too. And suddenly I had a bowl of pulled beef….and I tasted it ….and it was good.

So I stored it in a bowl with a lid, and poured the juices on top of the meat to keep it moist. And put in it in the refrigerator.

About 2 hours later I took it out. The fat had congealed around the meat. So I scooped out a couple of good helpings, enough for 2 servings, placed them in a pan with the congealed fat from the bowl and heated them up.

Once the meat was hot and sizzling, I served it as a sandwich on a kaiser roll.

I got rave reviews for moistness, tenderness, & flavor. Bu the way I also served it with a side of horseradish.

What can I say, what I thought would turn out to be a disaster, got saved.

Now, it’s on my “to Make” menu.

Here are some more Quick & Easy ideas: Secrets of Food Combinations